Producer Members - Producer Members are persons, firms, corporations, or partnerships who are engaged in the manufacture of tornado shelters and who certify that tornado shelters are in compliance with the ICC/NSSA 500 Standard and the FEMA P-361 criteria (guidelines) in the design, manufacture, installation, and inspection of Pre-manufactured Residential and/or Community/Commercial tornado shelters. Producer Members apply the appropriate NSSA seal bearing the Producer Member’s name to each Pre-manufactured Residential and/or Community/Commercial tornado shelters produced.
Producer Membership Dues - $500 / Due December 31st of each year.
Ready to apply? Click the links below to learn more about the application process and download the application form.
Note- Forms and applications are in PDF format which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here. If you are unable to open the file, please right-click (Windows) or control-click (Mac) on the document link to save the PDF file to your hard drive and open directly with Acrobat Reader.