The primary purpose of the Association is to ensure our members produce the highest quality of residential, commercial and community storm shelters for protecting people from injury or loss of life from the effects of tornadoes, hurricanes, and other wind related events. The Association will be self-policing to maintain public confidence and respect for the storm shelter industry.
Promote the construction, manufacture, installation and inspection of high quality tornado shelters meeting the *NSSAStandard
Administer testing and engineering evaluation programs to be conducted by certified, independent entities for the purpose of issuing seals to qualified tornado shelter producers, verifying members’ certification of compliance with the *NSSA Standard.
Contribute to the continuing development of the current ICC 500-2014 consensus Standard and Commentary the “ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters”.
Promote and encourage the adoption of the current IBC building code (which incorporates the ICC 500 Standard) by Jurisdictions Having Authority (AHJ).
Expand the current scope of the association in community and commercial tornado shelter construction by opening further membership opportunities to professionals involved in various aspects of the tornado shelter industry.
Provide a reliable data base of strong professional members to assist jurisdictions with tornado shelter planning, design and construction, including inspections and peer review.
Continue advancement of educational opportunities and workshops to meet needs of continuing education of professional in the understanding and application of the standards and required practices.
*NSSA Standard –Definition: The NSSA Standard refers to compliance with the latest edition of the ICC/NSSA 500 Standard and meeting the latest edition of FEMA P-361 criteria and guidelines for Tornado Shelters. If variations exist between the standards and guidelines the more conservative standard will be met.